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Addictions Services in Ohio and Indiana

by Landmark Recovery

August 5, 2020
A view of Cleveland. There are many addiction services available in Ohio

Wellness looks different for everyone, but for those struggling with substance use and those vulnerable to it, state-aided addiction recovery and treatment must focus on prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Addiction In Ohio

A view of Cleveland. There are many addiction services available in Ohio

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services (OhioMHAS) is Ohio’s governing body for addiction prevention and treatment. It allocates funds to local organizations that serve the community, and it is also a policy leader and regulatory body that performs outreach for urban minorities, teens, and marginalized populations.

Over 2.5 million Ohioans each year require addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery support. OhioMHAS builds partnerships with local community wellness leaders to serve those most in need.

According to their 2020 report on operations, OhioMHAS funding is directed toward implementing health resources and programming for people of all ages, races, genders, and walks of life.

In collaboration with 51 mental health and addiction services boards, OhioMHAS delivers support through over 600 provider agencies in the state. Their work offers a variety of services, including:

  • Greater accessibility to health services through Medicaid coverage
  • Screening for substance use and various disorders
  • Supported patient discharge, transitional housing, and long-term recovery assistance
  • Naloxone kit distribution to emergency responders across the state
  • Addiction supports for jailed individuals to reduce the rate of recidivism, including transitional support models upon release
  • Development of recovery housing for those leaving addictions facilities
  • Implementation of Crisis Text Line statewide
  • Capitalized on $26 million in federal funding, made possible via the 21st Century Cures Act to address the opioid epidemic.

Annually, OhioMHAS delivers over $72 million to local boards to implement mental health, gambling, and substance addiction services. The funds go towards services such as crisis intervention, screenings, assessments, therapy, assistance with medication, addiction treatment, supported recovery, and reintegration into society.

Addiction Treatment In Indiana

A view of Indianapolis. There are a wide array of addiction services in Indiana

The state government of Indiana currently has a wide array of funding opportunities to aid the prevention, treatment, and recovery of those suffering from substance abuse disorders. Clearly, an expansion of services is underway in Indiana, a reassuring sign for those who need more help.

The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) states that prevention is a much healthier and more cost-effective way to pursue statewide wellness. Treating the symptoms of addiction is a reactionary measure and does not address the fundamental issues that contribute to substance abuse in the first place. Their resources include federally funded addiction prevention programs implemented at local levels to stem the problem at its source.

In addition to privately owned and operated addiction services and facilities, Indiana has plenty of state-funded services for opioids and a statewide addictions hotline.

In conclusion, it is an encouraging sign that Indiana and Ohio have seen significant growth in government funding and an expansion of addiction treatment and rehab services. Hopefully, this will lead to more people actively seeking the help they need.

If you or a loved one struggles with substance use, we want you to know you are not alone. Help is here when you are ready, and our caring team will do our best to connect you with the resources you need to see it through. Call 317-449-8029 to talk to a Landmark Recovery Patient Navigator and 216-243-5589 if you need treatment in Ohio.

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About the Author

Landmark Recovery

Landmark Recovery

Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all. Through our integrated treatment programs, we've helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms. We're on a mission to save one million lives over the next century. We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help.