The opioid crisis has led to thousands of drug overdose deaths in the state of Kentucky, luckily there are drug and alcohol rehabs in Louisville, Kentucky in place to help patients who are struggling from all different types of substance abuse problems.
Providing Addiction Recovery through Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Louisville, Kentucky
The opioid crisis has caused numerous problems and led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. And, for the most part, the situation has only continued to get worse over time. While the country is trying to get a handle on prescription rates that have skyrocketed over the past two decades, many users have turned to cheaper, more potent options such as heroin.
While the country has seen its drug overdose rate shoot up, along with prescription and use rates, certain states have been disproportionately affected. Kentucky is one state that has lost thousands of citizens due to the opioid crisis and the overarching drug epidemic. Learning more about how the drug crisis has impacted states like Kentucky will help people realize just how drastic and problematic the opioid crisis has been.
Drug Deaths in Kentucky
Historically, the drug problem in the state of Kentucky has been a dire situation. While Kentucky officials have reported a statewide drop in drug overdoses in 2018, that does not mean the situation is solved. In fact, there is still much more work that needs to be done in order to improve the situation in the state.
Over the past decade, the number of Kentuckians who have died from drug overdoses has steadily climbed and in 2017, the number rose to over 1,500 deaths. This problem caused a traumatic toll on families, communities, social services, and economic growth.
While in the past the problem mainly revolved around illicit drugs, in recent years, the problem has shifted more toward prescription and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are involved in a majority of these deaths.
In 2017, fentanyl played a role in over a third of the drug overdose deaths in the state. Morphine, Xanax, and oxycodone were also all major players in hundreds of other drug overdose deaths during this year.
These numbers are for the entire state of Kentucky, but when you look closer at the each community, especially the city of Louisville you’ll notice the problem is much worse than you thought.
The city of Louisville is in Jefferson County. Jefferson County had the highest number of drug overdose deaths in 2017, there were almost 300 drug overdoses during this year. According to the state’s Office of Drug Control Policy, the drug overdose mortality rate in Jefferson county was 37.3 deaths, which is much higher than the national rate of 21.7 deaths.
Overdose deaths in Louisville have been on the rise continuously since 2011. Unfortunately, most of this has been fueled by the opioid crisis. And while opioid prescriptions may have dipped recently, the problem hasn’t been resolved. Some people have even turned to illicit drugs such as heroin in place of the prescription medication that they were once using. Other substances that are commonly abused in Louisville and across the state of Kentucky include tobacco, alcohol, methamphetamines, and more.
Overall, Kentucky and Louisville specifically are in the middle of a serious issue that is leading to the deaths of hundreds of Kentuckians each year. And while the situation may be slightly improving, there is still a lot of work to be done.
But what is currently being done in the state?
What Is Kentucky Doing To Combat the Opioid Crisis?
To try and combat the opioid crisis and overall drug epidemic in Kentucky, the state has made a number of different moves to reduce the number of drug overdoses, curb access to problematic drugs, and increase treatment options for people with drug addiction problems.
One of the most effective ways that people overcome their drug and alcohol problems are drug courts. Essentially, it is a specialty type of court and instead of spending time in jail, eligible participants work to complete a substance abuse program that is supervised by a judge.
According to many studies, there is strong evidence that drug treatment courts can be effective in helping people overcome their respective substance abuse problems and improve relationships with family and other social circles. Drug courts are one of the many strategies that the state has developed to try and help those who are dealing with substance abuse problems.
Along with this, Casey’s Law is another type of legal strategy that the state has implemented to help people who need substance abuse treatment.
Casey’s Law
Anyone searching for drug or alcohol rehab for their loved one in Kentucky should know be aware of and learn more about Casey’s Law.
Casey’s Law refers to the Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention which went into effect in 2004.
Essentially, Casey’s Law is in place to help parents, relatives, and friends of people who are struggling with substance abuse lawfully intervene and request involuntary, court-order addiction treatment.
When some people learn about this, they are worried that legally mandated treatment may not be effective. However, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most studies show that the outcomes for those who are legally pressured to enter treatment are as good or better than those who entered treatment without legal pressure.
Individuals under legal pressure to enter treatment also tend to have higher attendance rates and remain in treatment for longer periods of time.
One program that began to address substance abuse and misuse in Louisville is called Coming Together. The program was developed by the state’s Department of Public Health and Wellness.
“We are using our resources to meet the challenges brought on by substance use disorder; we can meet these challenges at every level of our community, including our homes, with family and friends, at work, in our largest institutions, and within government,” the organization says in its Executive Summary.
Overall, this program is in place to not only prevent people from dealing with addiction, but also help anyone who has fallen victim to addiction. Luckily, there are already treatment centers in place to help people who are dealing with substance abuse problems.
If you are searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that can help you, there are a number of things that you should be aware of and look out for.
Rehabs In Louisville, Kentucky
There are a number of national and local rehabs in place to help people suffering from substance abuse problems. This can be confusing as you may not know what the best option for you is. Luckily, there are a number of different tips and things that you should look for when searching for the best treatment facility. However, you first need to decide if you’re going to look locally.
Local treatment centers offer patients a number of benefits. Not only are they generally more affordable, but they also offer you support in your own backyard without having to get up and go somewhere else in the country.
But, even when you narrow it down to local help, there are still a number of treatment centers in Kentucky and Louisville specifically that you have to sift through. However, if you look closely at each facility, you will likely understand that not every treatment center has the best resources available to help you or your loved one. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can look for specifically to determine if the rehab facility you are looking at can offer you the best treatment possible.
When looking for a recovery center, one of the first things that you should do is to ensure that the facility that you are looking at is credentialed properly and that the staff is licensed. When searching for a treatment center you should call the facility and ensure that all the facility has all the proper credentials and licenses they need.
After making sure that the facility is in place properly, you should check on what type of treatment is being offered. Normally treatment facilities will offer either inpatient or outpatient treatment options. What you want or need likely depends on your specific situation. It is normally best to look for an inpatient facility before moving toward an outpatient treatment facility.
It is also best to search for a facility that can offer patients medically assisted detox. These detoxification programs exist to help patients overcome the severe withdrawal symptoms that are associated with patients withdrawing from alcohol, opioids, and other substances.
Depending on the severity of the problem and the types of substances that are being used, Landmark clinicians may prescribe specific medication-assisted treatments that are designed for detoxification. Usage and intensity both can impact detoxification length, which will normally last for the first four to seven days of treatment.
During this period, patients will be monitored 24/7 by medical clinicians to ensure that they are safely dealing with and overcoming the withdrawal symptoms associated with early sobriety.
What Happens During Treatment
After ensuring that the facility that you’ve looked into is properly credentialed and licensed, and being sure that they offer the right services, you may be wondering what exactly will happen during the treatment process.
When treatment begins, you will likely go through the detoxification process. Again, this is just so that you can safely overcome the withdrawal symptoms that are common during early sobriety. This type of detox if medically supervised, much safer than an at-home detox that many people try when they are using substances.
Detox also allows patients to get over the withdrawal symptoms that will distract them from their counseling and therapy sessions that are used during inpatient rehab.
Inpatient rehab, or residential treatment, is characterized by a number of different types of evidence-based group and individual therapy sessions. One of the most commonly used therapies used is cognitive-behavioral therapy.
During cognitive-behavioral therapy, patients will work with clinicians to identify the sources behind the urges and cravings that people feel. After identifying these things, clinicians will work to alter the thought processes of patients to help them overcome these negative thoughts that could potentially lead to relapse.
Along with cognitive-behavioral therapy, there are a number of different group therapy options that patients will likely go through as well. One of the most effective forms of group therapy is family therapy. During these sessions, patients will meet with their family members alongside a licensed therapist and during this therapeutically guided process, families will identify and share the impact that substance abuse has had on every single family member. The goal is to improve communication and restore any family ties that might be strained or severed due to substance abuse.
Following inpatient treatment, patients will be pointed toward an intensive outpatient facility to continue with their recovery process. During outpatient treatment, patients will continue with individual and group therapy sessions as they re-adjust to post-inpatient life.
Overall, treatment can provide a number of benefits to help you or your loved one overcome whatever substance abuse problem that they are dealing with. If you are trying to find a treatment center to help you or your loved one with drug or alcohol treatment, Landmark Recovery is one facility that may be able to help you.
Get Professional Help
If you or a loved one is suffering from some type of substance abuse problem and are looking for a trusted and reliable drug and alcohol rehab, Landmark Recovery can help. Landmark Recovery is dedicated to being a part of the solution in Louisville. Landmark’s state-of-the-art rehab in Louisville, Kentucky has the tools and staff in place to help your loved one get sober and stay sober.
If you are looking for drug and alcohol rehabs in Kentucky, Landmark Recovery of Lousiville has one of the best facilities in the state to help your loved one begin their road to recovery. If you are interested in learning more about Landmark and how we can help, call 509-309-2675 today.

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We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.