Due to increasing demand for more heroin addiction poems, we have more inspirational messages about addiction, hope and recovery for you to read now. The following heroin addiction poems can change your life if you allow them to. Sit back, and soak in these powerful stories about drug and alcohol abuse. We hope that feel encouraged empowered to take the first step of asking for help (which can lead to a long, happy, and sober life).
Heroin Addiction Poems To Read During Inpatient Drug Rehab
Welcome To Hell is about a woman looking back on the past 20 years as an addict. She wishes that she’d inclined beforehand about how utterly addictive drugs are and that opiates would eventually take over her life. She has many regrets and feels like she’s failed as a parent. She goes on to explain that addiction has a hold on her and she’s too tired to struggle anymore – believing that she’ll be an addict for the rest of her life.
Welcome To Hell
By Nelly Barnes (Published: February 2011)
‘Welcome to Hell,’ the sign should’ve read,
Reaching your destination-all in your head!
‘Last call for the train heading to Nowhere Fast,’
The memories you create will forever last.
You want to buy a ticket, What’s the cost, you ask?
Just hop on board, we’ll talk once your trashed.
Close your eyes and picture something grand,
No peeking! Now trust me, and give me your hand!
To a beach with water and the sun shining down,
Open up! No beach here, you’re hell bound.
Of course there’s water! But it’s for your rig and spoon,
Lil’ girl, don’t be afraid- 14 years old isn’t that soon?
The men don’t bite, but you’ll be messed up beyond belief,
When you do pass out, not remembering- a relief.
Ashamed to face Mommy! Got to have that coke!
Shooting dope everyday, A girl with dreams lost all hope.
I laugh at you as you toss your life in the wind,
To far gone… it’s us till’ the end.
I’ll be there when you lose your pride.
When you forget your morals, I’m at your side.
You’ll cheat and steal to have that fix,
Won’t take baby to the doctor although she’s sick.
Getting a pill- definitely #1 on the list,
Oops. Another appointment baby missed.
Nanny buys diapers because Mommy stays high,
Daddy hits Mommy and the children cry.
After years of this bliss the kids got took,
Mommy is a junkie and fast becoming a crook.
You’ll land in jail, a drug addict you remain,
Your heart turns cold as you play the game.
Do not pass go- strip your dignity right here,
This old man wants you, dry your tears,
Quote a price! Self respect long forgotten,
You’d sell your soul to the devil for an Oxycontin.
I told you girl the destination is in your head!
‘Welcome To Hell!’ Next stop… Well, she’s dead.
I told you that I’d stick it out till’ the end,
For me, you traded your dreams and kids,
Your Addiction, Life, and your faithful Friend.
The next poem is about the slippery slope of recreational drinking that sometimes leads to binging, and finally, full-blown addiction to alcohol. In his youth, the author was just having fun, enjoying the bar scenes and living it up on weekends. Over time, he began drinking in increasing amounts until he realized one day (after many years) that he was intoxicated more often than not. A somber story about a life nearly lost to alcoholism, however, in the end, perseverance and sobriety prevail.
A Boozer’s Advice
By Anton Plevin (Published September 2013)
If you booze you lose, or so they say
I didn’t believe that back in the day
When I was young it seemed so funny
Clubbing together, so we had enough money
Just weekends it started at first
Then in the week to quench my thirst
But as I got older the liquor got stronger
Hangovers began to last much longer
In the end they would last three days
And my memories were a blurry haze
Then one day I hit rock bottom
With self-esteem long forgotten
All that mattered was my next drink
It took too long to make the link
Till finally unable to function
And coming to a life threatening junction
Choose to drink my life away
Or stop and live the proper way
Getting dry was hard to do
I wouldn’t wish that shit on you
With sweats and jolts and a terrible shake
How long would my recovery take
Slowly, slowly, less and less
Now my life is not a mess
It was something I had to do
And now can write this verse for you
It can happen to anyone
I started off just having fun
So be weary of this evil trap
Or you life could end up feeling crap
But for now it’s over anyway
And I live to fight another day
Not everyone’s hit by the demon in drink
But when you’re young you just don’t think
I’m not telling you what to do
This is just my advice to you
Looking through an addicts eyes
Those drunken days have made me wise
Not everyone has to lose, it’s up to you to safely booze
The last poem is about courage in the face of the hardest battle of your life. How brave are you? I’m betting that you have the same inner resolve to stop abusing drugs as this determined author. You just have to find it. Let the following poem about unrelenting guts and drive to stop abusing drugs inspire you to make a positive change in your life today. You don’t have to be an addict, but you will have to work hard at it everyday.
Shut My Eyes
By Leon (Published: November 2013)
When I close my eyes
Shut out the pain outside
My soul turns inwards
And I feel the shame inside
I’m trying to be perfect
Trying to be right
But I know that deep down
For my soul I will have to fight
These demons are coming for me
I am not ready
I’ll have to be strong
Be determined, be steady
In a battle I can’t win
When the enemy is myself
My demons of sin
I know I’ll need help
But who do I turn to?
Who can I trust?
Bound by chains of shame
Which cannot rust
I have tried everything
Nothing has worked
Do I give up?
Let go of the stress, the hurt?
Do I lose myself to sin?
Lose hope
Let the darkness win?
Or do I rise and fight
Struggle and battle
For what I know is right
Either way is bad
But I know the path I’ll take
A better world
For myself I’ll make
I’ll try my best
I’ll win this war
I’ll pass the test
This is the final straw
Although my life has just begun
It is dark and cold
But there will be a rising sun
Shine rays of hope
Onto my cold world
To be reborn
Allow my wings to unfurl
And soar above the pain
Nothing to lose
Everything to gain.
I have made my choice
There is no going back.
Can you relate to the experiences of the authors in these heroin addiction poems? Do you still feel enormous self-doubt relating to your ability to kick the habit once and for all? The authors felt lost too, and they realized that if they continued down the path of addiction that they would lose everything that mattered.
For more addiction poems visit heroin addiction poems
Call one of our professional and caring admissions consultants at Landmark Recovery to discuss how addiction to drugs or alcohol is consuming and wrecking your life. They care and understand. We will discuss treatment options for things like heroin addiction that will help you regain your sobriety and teach you how to stay that way. We are waiting to hear from you – call us today!

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