The opioid crisis and larger drug epidemic that has impacted the nation has had tremendous effects on states, such as Indiana, and has lead to a number of state initiatives and treatment centers like Indiana drug rehab designed to help those who have fallen victim to addiction and substance use disorder.
Drug addiction is a major problem around the country and in Indiana. According to state data, one in five Indiana teenagers have admitted to abusing prescription drugs. Moreover, Indiana had a 26 percent higher prescription rate than the national average.
Obviously, there is a problem in Indiana. But, there have been a few initiatives that the state has taken in order to overcome these issues.
Before we look at specific rehabs in Indiana that can help you or your loved one with whatever problem that you are struggling with, let’s first examine what programs the state has in place to help.
Indiana Substance Abuse Advocacy
There have been a number of initiatives enacted and treatment opportunities started by the state government and local organizations in Indiana to help patients with substance abuse problems.
NextLevel Recovery Indiana
NextLevel Recovery is an initiative that the state started with an initial focus on opioids but with an overarching goal to implement a system that is focused on substance abuse prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery, and more. The overall goal is to help those who have fallen victim to substance abuse “achieve recovery and become or return to being productive, contributing members of their communities.”
This organization attempts to make these changes and achieve these goals by coordinating and focusing the resources of the state government and leverage the public sector to respond to the opioid crisis and improve response time to future crises.
One specific way that they are working to improve treatment options and overcome substance abuse problems is improving access and communication in the availability of Naloxone, a medication that is used to treat and reverse. narcotic overdoses in emergency situations.
Indiana Prescription Monitoring Program
Indiana’s prescription drug monitoring program is a statewide electronic database that is in place to collect, store, and analyze information on controlled substances in the state. It gathers a plethora of information including patient, prescriber, dispenser, and drug information. It tracks all schedule II to V drugs as well as pseudoephedrine dispensed in the state.
Essentially this safeguard is in place to address prescription drug abuse, addiction, and diversion. In 2018 alone, there were over 12.5 million controlled prescriptions logged into the states drug monitoring program.
Since health care professionals and law enforcement officials all have access to this information, they can look into patients’ histories and trends to see if a patient is at risk for opioid abuse or some other potential problem.
In 2018, the state Senate passed a piece of legislation that requires the registration of a patient’s prescription information in order to prescribe an opioid or benzodiazepine. Along with this, there have been many other legislative actions that have been passed to help prioritize drug rehabilitation.
Legislative Action
Along with these initiatives and programs that are now in place in the state, the state government has also taken legislative action in order to improve treatment opportunities and curb potential addiction problems proactively.
Senate Enrolled Act 13 — In 2018, The state legislature passed a law that allows community corrections officers as well as probation officers to administer overdose intervention drugs such as naloxone.
House Enrolled Act 1007 — This act expanded the Division of Mental Health and Addiction in the state to approve nine opioid treatment programs which would be operated in hospitals.
These are just a few of the many forms of legislation that are in place to prevent substance abuse problems and help those who have already fallen victim to this disease get the treatment and support that they need.
Along with these initiatives that the state has implemented, there are a number of treatment options in place in Indiana to help Hoosiers who are dealing with substance abuse problems.
Rehab and Treatment Options In Indiana
If you are looking for drug rehab, Indiana is one state that has a number of facilities in place to provide Hoosiers who have fallen victim to drug abuse with the kind of professional care and support that they need.
If you are searching for a drug and alcohol treatment center for yourself or your loved one, it is important that you know what to look for in a recovery center. Oftentimes, treatment centers can overpromise and underdeliver or in some cases they may not be providing their patients with the best treatment methods that give them the best chance at achieving sobriety.
For instance, if you are looking into a recovery facility that offers patients a “cure” for their disease, you should be weary of this facility. There is no specific “cure” for addiction, there are treatment methods and ways that you can achieve long-term sobriety, but sobriety is a lifelong battle and people in recovery will always deal with urges and cravings.
Moreover, you want to ensure that patients who are dealing with substance abuse are receiving evidence-based treatment methods. It is important to ensure that whatever treatment center that you are looking into has the best treatment methods and options available to help your loved one overcome and work their way toward long-term sobriety. Addiction is a disease and it is something that requires professional help. Some commonly used evidence-based treatment methods include medically assisted detoxification, cognitive behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and more.
Landmark Recovery’s Drug Rehab In Indiana
If you are searching for help for yourself or your loved one, Landmark Recovery may be able to help you. Landmark has a state-of-the-art treatment facility that can help you that is located in Indiana. Drug rehab and alcohol treatment is something that can be very hard to come to terms with, however, Landmark is here to help you every step of the way.
If you are interested in learning more about how Landmark Recovery’s Indiana drug rehab can help you, please call our admissions team to learn more about our individualized treatment program.

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