When it comes to addiction and drug use, adolescents and young adults are one of the most affected and vulnerable groups, because of this, it is important to know how to talk to your kids about drug use in your state like Indiana, rehab services, and how treatment can help.
If you are worried that your child may be at risk of some type of substance abuse issue, it may be best to learn strategies on how to talk about drugs and alcohol with your loved one. It is important that you can accurately communicate the risks and issues associated with substance abuse and how you can deal with these issues.
Before we learn about the treatment options available to help people who are struggling with substance abuse, let’s first take a look at some ways that you can talk with your loved one about these topics.
Talking To Kids
When it comes to talking with adolescents and young adults, or even young kids about drugs and alcohol, you need to ensure that what you are saying is not only factual but powerful. You don’t want to scare them, you want them to be aware and be clear about your expectations with them.
Make Expectations Clear
It is important that you show that you disapprove of underage drinking and drug use. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, over 80 percent of young people say that their parents are the main influence on their decision whether or not to use substances. Obviously, as a parent, you have a lot of pull with your child and my making it clear that you don’t want them to engage in any type of substance abuse can be enough to dissuade them from doing this.
Show You Care
Be sure that when you are talking with them, you make it obvious that you are on their side and the reason you are talking to them about this is that you want them to be safe and happy and that you care about them.
Allow Them To Talk
Make sure that this conversation does not turn into a monologue. You don’t want to be talking at them, you want to be talking with them. Even though you want to get your point across, you need to allow them a chance to talk as well and ask any questions that they may have. This will help them understand that you are on their side and that you are there for them. It is also important to note that this conversation doesn’t have to happen all at once, it can happen in a few small talks.
Discuss Strategies For Avoiding Substances
Even if you think that your child would never use drugs or alcohol, peer pressure can be more powerful than you think and can cause some people to use substances. Because of this, you need to work with your kids to develop strategies that they can use to avoid drugs and alcohol when they are exposed to them. Practicing saying “no” and “no thank you” can go a long way. It is also important for your child understands that you are there for them and that if they are in a difficult or high-pressure situation, they can always reach out to you for help.
There is a lot to consider when talking with your loved one about drugs and alcohol. One thing that you need to consider when doing this is that your child may already be doing these substances and may need help.
Indiana Rehab
When looking for local treatment centers such as rehabs in Indiana, there are a number of things that you should be looking for specifically.
Medically assisted detox is one of the most important aspects of treatment and will allow you or your loved one to safely withdrawal from whatever substances that you have stopped using. These programs exist to help patients manage certain symptoms that they may be facing such as tremors, shaking, vomiting, and more.
When looking for a treatment center, it is important to be sure that the rehab that you are looking into doesn’t guarantee recovery or have a one-size-fits-all approach. Addiction treatment is a difficult thing and varies by person, you need to ensure that the treatment center that you are looking for has made it known that their recovery program offers patients access to an individualized care program that can put them in the best situation to succeed.
Adolescent Substance Abuse In Indiana
Obviously, treatment is a good idea for anyone who is dealing with substance abuse issues. However, when looking at adolescent substance abuse statistics in Indiana, it becomes more clear that there is more that needs to be done to help adolescents and young adults avoid and overcome drug and alcohol issues.
While the Department of Health and Human Services does not provide a lot of data on adolescent-specific substance abuse, Indiana citizens ages 12-17 do misuse one substance at a higher-than-national rate: opioids and pain relievers.
Everyone knows that pain relievers and the opioid crisis are major issues across the country, however, opioids are one substance that has impacted Indiana disproportionately. Drug overdose deaths in the state of Indiana have been on the rise since the late 1990s. Similarly, the prescribing rate in Indiana has been higher than the national average for over a decade. This has obviously led to a major issue in the state when it comes to prescription drugs and it is something that needs to be dealt with.
With that said, people who are dealing with issues related to opioid use can find the help that they need at an Indiana rehabilitation center.
Next Steps
Landmark Recovery is one of the rehab centers in Indiana that can help you or your loved one overcome substance abuse and addiction. Landmark Recovery offers patients access to evidence-based care and treatment that can help them achieve and maintain long-term sobriety.
If you are interested in learning more about Landmark’s Indiana rehab in Carmel please reach out to our admissions team and visit our website.
Choose Recovery Over Addiction
We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.