Indiana is one state that has increasingly been seeing the effects that the opioid crisis can have, luckily, there are some rehab centers in Indiana that are dedicated to being a part of the solution. According to recent data from the Indiana State Department of Health, in 2017, the state had one of the highest overdose rate increases in the country and over 1,800 Hoosiers died as a result of drug overdoses that year. This averages to about five deaths a day.
Drug and alcohol use in Indiana and the United States leads to the death of thousands of Americans each year. Luckily, for people who are dealing with substance abuse problems, there are rehabilitation services available.
Drugs in Indiana
The opioid crisis in the United States has been raging on for nearly two decades now. The epidemic has lead hundreds of thousands of deaths across the country and has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War, Korean War, and the World War I combined.
In Indiana, the number of overdose deaths have been increasing dramatically since the late 1990’s. According to the Indiana State Department of Health, the number of total overdose deaths have increased by nearly 900 percent from 1999 to 2017.
Along with opioids, the use of other drugs such as benzodiazepines, cocaine, psychostimulants, and more have been increasing. Likewise, the use of these drugs has lead to more and more drug deaths. It is easy to get caught up in the rise of opioids as they are constantly receiving media exposure. However, as opioid use and deaths have increased, so have the deaths from other drugs.
For instance, the influence and use of cocaine and benzodiazepines has been well-documented over the past two decades, with cocaine overdose deaths increasing from 27 to almost 250 in 18 years. Other drugs such as methamphetamine say similar increases.
Adolescent Drug Use
One common problem in Indiana, and the United States in general, is the prevalence of adolescent drug use. According Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, around 8 to 9 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 17 have used illicit drugs in the past month.
Adolescent drug use can be especially problematic as drugs can cause developmental issues for young people. The brain does not stop developing until the mid-20’s, unfortunately for people who are using drugs before this, it can cause a number of long-term physical effects. Drug use, and alcohol use as well, can inhibit the developmental process and lead to problems with long-term thinking and memory skills.
Alcohol in Indiana
Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the country behind nicotine. So, it is no surprise that many people deal with problems related to alcohol all across the country.
While light-to-moderate drinking doesn’t pose much of a risk, heavier drinking can cause a number of problems and lead to many health issues. Binge drinking is commonly factor in homicides, suicides, and domestic and marital violence. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks on one occasion. According to the statistics from the Indiana State Department of Health male respondents were significantly more likely to engage in binge drinking.
As noted above, if not done in excess, alcohol use is generally not a major issue. It is once the problem turns into a dependence or abuse that it becomes problematic and can affect physical and mental health. According to the SAMHSA, over six percent of individuals aged 12 and older experienced alcohol dependence and abuse. Moreover, the rate of alcoholism among Hoosiers was higher than the national average.
It should also be noted that underage drinking is still a concern among the country with a number of individuals aged 12 to 20 engaging in binge drinking. In Indiana specifically, about 14.4 percent of underage people engaged in binge drinking each month. However, more recent trends show that binge drinking among underage individuals seems to be falling slightly.
Drinking and Driving
Obviously, alcohol use leads to a number of rash, dumb decisions that can cause life-threatening consequences. One of the most known and well-documented problems associated with alcohol use is drunk drinking. Across the United States, there are thousands of deaths attributed to drunk driving each year. Alcohol, as mentioned affects the function of the brain and impairs thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination, all of which can seriously inhibit a person’s ability to drive and operate a vehicle.
Indiana is one state that has seen it’s fair share of drunk driving incidents, in fact there is evidence that Indiana’s drunk driving issues go beyond the national average. According to the Center for Disease Control, there were over 2200 people killed in crashes that involved a drunk driver in the state between 2003 and 2012. Moreover, the drunk driving death rates in Indiana were higher in nearly every age category compared to the national average.
Despite the problem, there have been efforts from the state to minimize the problems associated with drunk driving. For example, sobriety checkpoints are in place in Indiana as well as ignition interlock laws to stop people who have been drinking from starting their cars and driving away. While there is still a problem in the state, more recent data shows that alcohol-impaired driving may have stabilized.
Rehab Centers in Indiana
There are a number of alcohol and drug support groups that are available across the country, and other parts of the world, that can help you or your loved one come to terms and deal with their substance abuse issues. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, are both international organizations meant for all people who struggle with alcohol or narcotics issues. It is a self-supporting, apolitical organization that is available almost anywhere. Membership for these groups is open to anyone who wants to improve their situation.
While AA and NA support programs can be helpful for those dealing with substance abuse issues, if the problem is too severe, it may be too difficult for someone to start support groups straightaway. Instead it may be best for your loved one to go through an inpatient rehab program to help with withdrawal symptoms and get the first few weeks of recovery out of the way before moving on.
Many rehabilitation and inpatient facilities will offer patients access to a medication assisted treatment (MAT) program which will help them safely come down from their drug or alcohol program under medical supervision. The withdrawal symptoms that are associated with early recovery can end up being life-threatening for some, and if not managed properly can result in death, this is why inpatient services can be so valuable.
Following the detoxification program, patients will move through the inpatient treatment process. The specifics of this type of treatment is dependent upon each facility. However, there are generally a few constants across all facilities. For example, individual and group therapy sessions are common for more people in inpatient treatment. There are a number of different types of therapies that patients may be exposed to, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is normally done one-on-one format but in some cases is carried out in a small group. This form of therapy is used to help patients and physicians identify the feelings, situations, and triggers that can lead to heavy drinking. The hope is that by identifying these things, it can be used to learn how to prevent relapse.
Many inpatient facilities last about 30 days. Following this stay, patients are discharged and pointed to an outpatient facility that will be used to help them further their recovery.
Landmark Recovery has a great inpatient treatment plan in place that changes on a patient-to-patient basis. Those in recovery will be exposed to a number of therapies and group sessions to help them learn about the details of addiction and how to stay in recovery long term.
Outpatient treatment gives patients the opportunity to live a more independent life following a residential stay at a facility. It will allow them to return to their professional or social duties that they had before, all while continuing their path to recovery.
During outpatient treatment, patients will continue to on their recovery plan by going to one-on-one and group meetings in place to help patients learn more about their recovery and relapse prevention tips.
Landmark Recovery has a discharge plan in place for patients to help them following residential treatment. These intensive outpatient programs are used to help patients get re-acclimated to independent living while continuing their recovery.
It is important to remember that recovery is not a one-time fix. Many people who deal with substance abuse issues and go through rehab will relapse and need help getting back on the wagon. This is normal.
Recovery is a lifelong challenge and even for people who are dedicated to getting healthy, they can struggle to remain in recovery. That’s why these types of treatment centers are in place. They attempt to be a solution and a backbone for those struggling with their own recovery.
If you are worried about you or your loved ones substance abuse issues, learn more about what treatment centers can do to help.
In the recent past, the state of Indiana has become more set on finding a solution that is killing hundred of Indiana citizens each year. Luckily, the state has been working to increase the availability of treatment. Some of the highlights from Indiana include adding five new opioid treatment centers across the state in 2018 and signing a bill into law that authorizes an additional nine treatment centers
Are You Alcohol or Drug Dependent?
For many looking into treatment centers, you may not fully know if you or your loved one needs help. You may not know if your drinking to excess. You may not know what drug addiction looks like. Luckily, there are a few tell-tale signs that point to substance use disorder and, if you or your loved one is struggling with these things, it is important to reach out for help as these problems can eventually become life-threatening.
If you notice any of the following signs, it may be best to reach out for help:
- Have you tried to cut down or stop drinking/using, but couldn’t?
- Experienced a craving to drink or use?
- Given up or cut back on activities that were once interesting and important to you?
- Continued to drink or use even if it was interfering with professional or social ties?
- Experienced withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, or more?
- Had to drink or use more than you once did in order to get the desired effect?
These are all signs that you or your loved one may be dependent upon alcohol or drugs. Drug and alcohol dependence are serious issues, if not treated as such it can lead to disastrous and life-threatening consequences for you or your loved one.
Next Steps
The drug epidemic has taken a toll on the country and many individual states, such as Indiana have seen just how devastating this can be. In recent years, Indiana has seen big jumps in overdose rates and drug use rates. Overall, the state is dealing with a number of issues related to drug and alcohol use, including the deaths of hundreds of Hoosiers a year. If you or a loved one is struggling with issues related to substance abuse, it may be best to seek out treatment from a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility.
Landmark Recovery is one of the rehab centers in Indiana that can offer patients access to inpatient care and intensive outpatient treatment. If you are interested in learning more what Landmark has to offer your loved one and about a personalized treatment plan, please visit our website and reach out to our admissions team today at 888-448-0302.
Choose Recovery Over Addiction
We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.