The Difference Between LSD and 1V-LSD
1-valeryl-D-lysergic acid diethylamide (1V-LSD), commonly called “Valerie,” is a psychedelic substance that produces near-identical effects as LSD. The drug acts on receptors in the brain, often creating hallucinations, time distortion, and ego loss.
1V-LSD is believed to have been created in the summer of 2021, possibly as an attempt to get around laws banning LSD. The drug has a slightly different absorption rate than LSD and is believed to be more stimulating and “fast-paced” in terms of its physical and cognitive effects.
Risks of Taking 1V-LSD
The threshold for achieving effects with 1V-LSD is 15 µg, with a heavy dose being 300µg or more. Effects typically last 8-12 hours, with aftereffects lasting up to 24 hours. The current theory on how it works is that the drug is a partial agonist of serotonin receptors in the brain.
The toxic dose is not known for 1V-LSD in humans. It shows no addictive properties, and is extremely difficult to abuse. There’s a strong tolerance effect with the use of 1V-LSD, meaning that it takes two weeks for the effects to have full potency in humans again. The body is not physically affected by the drug, and any physical effect is caused by a person’s reaction to the psychedelic effects.
It’s possible to suffer from brief “acid flashbacks,” but the mechanism that causes these is poorly understood. Those who take it and don’t expect the effects can have panic attacks during a bad trip, leading to tachycardia. Sometimes lysergic-acid-diethylamide-based substances can leave users with persistent “visual snow,” where the brain has trouble resetting back to baseline sensory processing.
Drug Effects
The effects of 1V-LSD are almost indistinguishable from those of LSD, aside from a more stimulating experience and faster come-up. Users can expect effects including, but not limited to:
- Euphoria
- Stimulation
- Laughter fits
- Hallucination
- Bodily sensations
Adverse subjective effects can include:
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Delusions
- Seizures
The psychedelic effects of 1V-LSD can be quickly shut down through the use of benzodiazepines. On the opposite end of the spectrum, cannabis use can intensify the effects of 1V-LSD to an extreme amount. Lithium, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder, can greatly increase the risk of psychosis in users along with users of other psychedelic drugs. Do not take any substance without first consulting a doctor. In this case, 1V-LSD may technically fall in a legal gray area, but in most states it’s an illegal substance to possess. The risks outweigh the positives.
History and Legal Status
The drug first appeared on the black market in summer of 2021 as a “research chemical” useful for getting around legal loopholes that don’t make its use illegal. There has never been a record of its manufacture or development in history before it appeared. In 1988, the DEA may have unintentionally predicted the use of 1-akylated lysergamide derivatives in getting around the law, much like the intentions behind making 1V-LSD. 1V-LSD holds a gray legal status in the US. Under the Federal Analogue Act, it could theoretically be considered a prodrug of LSD, which would make manufacture and possession prosecutable.
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