Once you’ve completed rehab, undergone detox, or are in need of a non-residential treatment option, it is worth considering the benefits of participating in an intensive outpatient program. Intensive Outpatient Program groups are an excellent option for getting ongoing treatment when you are in need. There are many different approaches to treating substance abuse problems, but intensive outpatient is one treatment model that has unique benefits and a different structure to traditional treatment options. Landmark Recovery is dedicated to providing the best quality of IOP treatment possible in Lexington, Kentucky.
What is IOP in Lexington?
Intensive Outpatient is a program type that some individuals find as if not more effective than your traditional residential treatment program. Your IOP Group is the group you will become a part of while enrolled in intensive outpatient treatment. This group not only includes the cohort of peers that will be taking part of your class, but also the therapists and group counselors that will be leading your group sessions and keeping in contact with you throughout the duration of the program.
Research has shown intensive outpatient rehab to be as successful as other forms of treatment available. IOP typically ranges from 9 or more hours per week of sessions in a facility, allowing the patient to live at home and carry on with their day to day activities. IOP is sometimes preferred in less severe cases of addiction because it allows the patient to continue working, take care of any dependents, and hopefully become more well adjusted to sober life in their community.
A typical IOP session will last from 1-3 hours per session and can include group recovery work, individual counseling, family therapy, individual therapy, or expressive therapy. Because of its more voluntary and less restrictive nature, patients may choose to drop out or gradually lessen their involvement in IOP. This is strongly discouraged, unless doing so is the recommended course of action from the clinical professional seeing that person.
Is IOP Right For You?
Many who have come through our doors find that ongoing treatment in the form of an Intensive Outpatient Program can make the difference between relapse and continued sobriety. IOP is ideal for those individuals seeking some form of continued treatment following completion of our 30-day residential program.
Benefits of IOP
IOP offers several benefits that differentiate it from residential treatment and that make it ideal for specific cases.
- Flexibility: IOP patients have the flexibility to continue working full time and living at home while attending 9 or more hours per week of on-site sessions at Landmark.
- Support: Our program includes group and individual therapy sessions covering topics such as relapse prevention, stress management, and case management services.
- Relapse Prevention: In IOP, patients will be monitored with drug and alcohol screening to ensure continued sobriety.
- Accountability: Staff will work with patients to develop accountability measures, including the above-mentioned substance screening.
Landmark at Lexington IOP
At Landmark, the intensive outpatient program is designed to offer patients a multi-modal, multidisciplinary program that is more intensive than outpatient therapy. This program is typically recommended for those transitioning from Landmark’s detoxification and residential treatment programs. The schedule and criteria are broken up as follows:
- Sessions are held at least 3 hours per day for at least 3 days per week
- Sessions will be determined by need according to individual facility medical director and patient needs, but can include:
- Individual therapy
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Crisis intervention
- Rehabilitation services
- Case management services
- SMART Recovery
- Trauma-focused psycho-education
Session blocks are broken up as follows:
- 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Types of Therapy in IOP
Therapy provides the building blocks for the work that will be done while in rehab. Addiction treatment programs are built around therapy sessions, including individual, group, family, and therapeutic modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and more.
Individual Therapy
In individual therapy sessions, patients receive one-on-one sessions with a therapist while they undergo residential treatment or intensive outpatient treatment. Here, they will meet with therapists at least once a week to discuss issues related to their recovery. Therapists will assess their patient’s work and motivations to set realistic recovery goals. Goals include long term sobriety, perhaps achieving employment, mending relationships, and developing a healthier lifestyle. The most common topics a therapist may choose to go over to reach these goals include:
- Coping Skills
- Managing Emotions Without Drugs
- Building Support Systems
- Focusing on Living Healthy
- Resolving Past Trauma
- Practicing Self-Love
Group Therapy
Addiction is an isolating disease. It causes those who are suffering through it to hide themselves from the world, and to live a life in the shadows. Group therapy is a breath of socialization and a vital part of helping patients understand the need to engage and be open and honest with others. In group therapy, clients learn the skills necessary for a life of recovery. Trained counselors and therapists lead group sessions and help clients interact with one another day in and day out to practice coping skills.
In group therapy, patients form close bonds with one another and these friendships gradually become the important foundations for long term sobriety and success. The support of peers is hugely beneficial to those in recovery because it helps others to understand the disease of addiction from another person’s perception. Having someone to talk to such as a sponsor is also helpful for avoiding relapse and to encourage attending meetings.
Alumni Support
Ongoing sobriety requires ongoing work, and the best way to stay engaged is through our active alumni program. Landmark’s alumni program provides a transitionary element from rehab to the real world and offers a lifelong support line to the world of recovery. They’ve also been shown to reduce long term substance use in patients and are associated with higher referral rates, meaning they help more people get the treatment they need.
Continued Treatment at a Lower Cost
By completing residential treatment with Landmark Recovery, you may have fulfilled your yearly deductible and OOP costs. That means if you seek additional treatment through IOP and PHP, you will not incur any large out-of-pocket expenses.
Sober Living
Transitional housing can be vital for individuals freshly out of rehab. These facilities offer a safe and supportive environment for recovery where residents undergo routine monitoring and have the chance to partake in group meetings.
What is the Average Day in IOP Like?
The average day in an intensive outpatient program begins like any other. As this type of program does not require 24/7 medical surveillance, it begins in your home or current residency and however you normally start the day. Ideally, you will be waking up bright and early for a healthy breakfast before heading to work or beginning the day’s work from home. You may start the day creating a list of all the things you are grateful for or with an hour’s worth of meditation or focused breathing.
Some individuals in recovery also swear by the practice of yoga. Yoga and meditation are an effective means to help someone on the path to sobriety, but they are no substitute for the clinical assistance of a registered treatment center. The tools and methods you learn during yoga can help assist you in drug and alcohol recovery by helping you manage stress, control your thinking, and improve your overall quality of health. Whether you choose to recover through therapy, the 12 Steps, meditation, or perhaps a combination of all three, the ultimate goal is to achieve spiritual well being and happiness. The important part is to keep working and find a method that works for you. As Buddha told his students: “There is only one mistake you can make on the path to awakening, and that is to stop.”
During the day you may have reflective moments and pauses where you think about your recovery. Some moments may even be stress induced times where you take pause and think about using again. This is a normal experience that many individuals in recovery share. Fortunately, in IOP you will be developing strategies and tactics for overcoming these urges. After your day’s activities you will head to your treatment center to begin the day’s IOP session. Typically, these sessions last for roughly 3 hours and occur 3 times per week. Each session will be a continuation of the discussions and progress made in the prior meetings, but don’t be afraid to interject and ask any pressing questions you may have or confess anything that has been on your mind lately.
When you first begin Lexington IOP at Landmark you will have daily work that goes towards helping you through the hardest times of your recovery. As you progress and need less and less intense professional support, you may begin tapering off sessions and withdrawing from the program entirely if our staff and clinicians believe it is the right choice. This is referred as a “step down” process since you are basically stepping away from intense levels of support and regaining your independence.
If your case is deemed critical enough, you may be asked to undergo medical detox. Medically supervised detox is where you become completely substance free and medical staff helps make the process the least painful as possible. In some cases, medication may be used to lessen withdrawal symptoms and prevent seizures and even death. In these instances, medication use is only temporary and limited to the roughly week time span that detox may require. If Landmark is unable to accept a patient into our detox program, we will refer them to a trusted third party provider for detox services. Intake clinicians will assess the suitability of each patient for our IOP services.
Differences Between Residential Treatment and Intensive Outpatient Programs?
While in residential treatment, you will be confined to the premises of a residence area under the rules and guidelines set forth by management. While every treatment center is unique, in general you will be giving up control of your day to day life. In intensive outpatient treatment however, you will have the freedom to live your life in generally the same capacity you had before treatment. The biggest difference is that now you will be regularly tested for substances and are required to attend sessions on premise three times a week for individual and group therapy.
With Landmark Recovery, you can continue to live at your home, remain in control of your life, go to work, and begin rebuilding your personal life, all with the help and support of our program and staff.
If you’re considering Intensive Outpatient for yourself or another person, consider the pros and cons before enrolling. IOP is ideal if your symptoms are not so severe that you can’t handle being without supervision. IOP offers flexibility and structured support to keep you on track when it comes to maintaining sobriety. Success doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why IOP helps teach you the long lasting, daily skills necessary to overcome substance dependency. Promising research has also shown IOP to be an effective form of treatment for people that undergo it.
Next Steps
At Landmark Recovery, or experienced staff has dealt with a wide range of treatment methods and approaches for substance abuse disorders. If you’re seeking intensive outpatient program in Louisville or Lexington and are concerned for the well-being of yourself or a loved one abusing substances, reach out to our team and we’ll walk you through the process for enrolling.

Choose Recovery Over Addiction
We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.