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The Benefits of Mindfulness in Recovery

March 22nd, 2022
Mindfulness in Recovery

Discussing the neuroscience behind addiction, how addiction affects the brain, and how mindfulness and meditation can counteract those effects, Michael interviews Dr. Gus Castellanos, a retired Neurologist and is currently a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction facilitator and meditation teacher, trained by the University of Massachusetts’ Center for Mindfulness.

Gus graduated from the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine in 1980 and practiced neurology and sleep medicine at Jupiter Medical Center for 25 years. He has been practicing mindfulness since 1998 and has been teaching and researching mindfulness-based programs since 2009. As a current adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University, Gus designed a 6-week mindfulness program called Stress Reduction through Attention Training (SRAT) for students, faculty, and staff at the university in response to the 2020 pandemic. Dr. Castellanos describes mindfulness in his own words, shares his story after being in recovery from substance use disorder for 18 years and how it inspired his research behind mindfulness, and the benefits of these practices and how they can help curb addiction cravings.

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, get in touch with a recovery specialist 24/7 at Landmark Recovery.

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