Contrary to popular belief, talk therapy is not the one-size-fits-all solution to healing unresolved trauma. In fact, our guest today believes it can backfire as the individual revisits the traumatic memories. Zach interviews Jacqueline Connors, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, who specializes in transformation at the sub-conscious level. Providing an alternative approach to talk therapy and counseling, Jacqueline helps her clients identify, release, and re-program negative unconscious habits and self-talk without having to relive their traumatic experiences. They discuss Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT), self-awareness, and the power of changing our habits in order to change our thought lives. To learn more about Jacqueline, you can visit her website Similarly, to learn more about alternative ways to overcome self-defeating thinking, check out Landmark Recovery’s recent blog post about “SMART Recovery: A Science-Based Recovery Program”:
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