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Sober Fact
About 80% of patients say their life and health improved after completing drug and alcohol treatment.
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An anthrax outbreak occurred in Scotland when bone meal was mixed with heroin.
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Ketamine is used to treat some forms of addiction and depression.
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Phenibut pills produce similar effects to alcohol, but are very addictive.
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Alcohol is the most dangerous drug available, according to harm reduction experts.
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Benadryl overdose can cause hallucinations.
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65% of patients relapse within 90 days of addiction treatment.

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Sounds Like: MARE.uh.WAHN.uh

Classification: Cannabinoid

Controlled Substance Act Schedule: I

Other names for Marijuana

  • cannabis
  • weed
  • pot
  • Mary Jane
  • grass
  • herb
  • green
  • bud
  • tree

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana is a drug derived from the dried leaves of the cannabis plant. The active ingredient of the drug is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC. This mind-altering drug—also called weed, grass, herb, pot, reefer, bud, dope, ganja, and Mary Jane—is typically ingested via smoking but can also be consumed through a variety of marijuana-infused foods and teas.

Marijuana has been immensely popular lately due to the ease by which someone can come into possession of it. In some states, including ones Landmark Recovery has treatment centers at, marijuana is recreationally legal as well as available for those with medical marijuana access. This makes marijuana universally possible to get your hands on almost anywhere.

Marijuana, while assumed harmless, presents a host of risks and negative consequences to its use over time, especially for those who smoke it over a long term. Evidence has been found in a study that regular use of marijuana beginning in childhood (<18 years of age) leads to lowered IQ over time. According to the UN, Marijuana is the most used drug of choice worldwide, meaning that the 9% of users who develop a dependence is a surprisingly larger group than otherwise assumed. Either way, there is a non-zero risk of developing such a dependence for users of marijuana.

Need help with Marijuana or another drug addiction?

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Intended Use of Marijuana

Marijuana is mostly used as a kind of relaxant when used recreationally. In some parts of the world, marijuana is used as a religious aid for ceremonial purposes. There’s evidence that some of the compounds in marijuana can help treat chronic pain; more research is currently being done to figure out exactly how this happens and what helps versus harms users.

How Marijuana Is Taken

Marijuana leaves are dried ground up, then sprinkled in a rolling paper with a filter to smoke. THC can be put in a variety of edible snacks and treats and consumed with the intended purpose of getting high.

sober facts smiley

Side Effects of

If you smoke marijuana, the THC level in the bloodstream of a marijuana user usually peaks in about 30 minutes, and its effects may wear off between one to three hours after use. If you consume THC orally via an edible, food-based snack, it may take even longer for the body to process the THC content. Marijuana harms the motor ability of users and can cause subjective time dilation in users.

Other side effects of using marijuana include:

  • “Munchies” or hunger
  • Cognitive deficiencies in adolescent users
  • Blood pressure spikes
  • Drowsiness
  • Facial flushing and red eyes
  • Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
  • Psychosis or schizophrenia

Signs of an
Addiction to Marijuana

Despite the popular insistence that marijuana isn’t addictive or risky, the clinical data show that 9% of users will become dependent on the drug. If you feel like you can’t go a certain length of time without smoking marijuana or taking THC edibles, then consult a doctor to discuss the possibility of suffering from a marijuana use disorder.

Abuse Facts

Clinical evidence shows that 9% of users will develop a marijuana use disorder.

In 2021, states that legalized marijuana have generated $3.7 billion in tax revenue.

The earliest evidence of cannabis use by humans is found on 8,500 year old pottery from Mesopotamia.