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Sober Fact
An anthrax outbreak occurred in Scotland when bone meal was mixed with heroin.
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About 80% of patients say their life and health improved after completing drug and alcohol treatment.
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Phenibut pills produce similar effects to alcohol, but are very addictive.
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Benadryl overdose can cause hallucinations.
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65% of patients relapse within 90 days of addiction treatment.
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Alcohol is the most dangerous drug available, according to harm reduction experts.
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Ketamine is used to treat some forms of addiction and depression.

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Sounds Like: nit.UH.zeen

Classification: benzimidazole opioid

Controlled Substance Act Schedule: I

Other names for Nitazene

Nitazene Addiction

Nitazenes, known as the colloquial name for synthetic benzimidazole opioids, is a class of synthetic opioids now being heavily trafficked. Nitazenes have no known legitimate use in the medical industry and are unusually structured opioid drugs. Nitazenes can be hundreds of times more powerful than morphine, far surpassing what fentanyl is capable of. These drugs are so powerful that physicians will not prescribe them due to the high risk of overdose. Opioids are drugs that are either found in the opium poppy plant or synthesized in labs to create a molecular makeup that’s similar to organically-originating opioids. The DEA states that the upward trend in nitazene purchases began in 2019.

Need help with Nitazene or another drug addiction?

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Intended Use of Nitazene

Nitazenes have no known medical use.

How Nitazene Is Taken

Nitazenes are normally added to other drugs, usually pills that contain an opioid drug. Toxicology analyses co-identified some of these benzimidazole opioids with other opioids, stimulants, and benzodiazepines. Because abusers of these benzimidazole-opioids are likely to obtain them through unregulated sources, the identity, purity, and quantity are uncertain and inconsistent, thus posing significant adverse health risks to the users.

sober facts smiley

Side Effects of

The side effects of nitazenes are essentially the same as other opioids.

  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Skin irritation
  • Dry mouth

Signs of an
Addiction to Nitazene

Opioid cravings

Fever-like symptoms

Pill seeking behavior

Abuse Facts