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Sober Fact
An anthrax outbreak occurred in Scotland when bone meal was mixed with heroin.
Sober Fact
Alcohol is the most dangerous drug available, according to harm reduction experts.
Sober Fact
Ketamine is used to treat some forms of addiction and depression.
Sober Fact
65% of patients relapse within 90 days of addiction treatment.
Sober Fact
Phenibut pills produce similar effects to alcohol, but are very addictive.
Sober Fact
Benadryl overdose can cause hallucinations.
Sober Fact
About 80% of patients say their life and health improved after completing drug and alcohol treatment.

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Sounds Like: FEN.oh.BAR.bih.TALL

Classification: barbiturate

Controlled Substance Act Schedule: IV

Other names for Phenobarbital

  • phenobarb
  • Luminal
  • phenobarbitone

Phenobarbital Addiction

Phenobarbital is a central nervous system depressant drug that is frequently used to treat epilepsy, anxiety, and insomnia.

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Intended Use of Phenobarbital

Phenobarbital is recommended by the World Health Organization as an antiepileptic medication in developing and developed countries for children. The drug is also used for veterinary purposes. Phenobarbital has also been used for euthanasia or suicide in the past.

How Phenobarbital Is Taken

Phenobarbital can be taken intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally. It can be used to treat insomnia and drug withdrawal in a pill form. The drug begins working within five minutes when taken through IV, and works within 30 minutes if taken orally. Effects last between four hours and two days.

sober facts smiley

Side Effects of

  • Central nervous system depression
  • Decreased consciousness/coma
  • Hypothermia
  • Hypotension
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Acute renal failure
  • Ataxia

Signs of an
Addiction to Phenobarbital

Compulsive dosing


Abuse Facts

39 members of the Heaven’s Gate religious group, a cult obsessed with unidentified flying objects, committed mass suicide in March 1997 by drinking a lethal dose of phenobarbital and vodka in hopes they would enter an alien spacecraft.

The Isdal Woman, a notably mysterious cold case in Europe, was found dead in Bergen, Norway, on November 29, 1970. Her death was caused by a combination of burns, phenobarbital, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Her identity has been theorized to be that of a Cold War spy killed in action.

The main character of the 2020 Masterpiece Theatre series All Creatures Great and Small was based on a veterinarian who committed suicide by injecting his veterinary supply of phenobarbital at the age of 84.