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Addiction Rehab Is Just the Start

by Landmark Recovery

January 1, 2023
Girl gets a gym membership as part of her commitment to a New Year's resolution regarding her fitness in 2023.

Fleeting gym memberships aside, lots of New Year’s resolutions are not only made but also fulfilled every year. For someone struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, one of the most transformative commitments you can make this time of year is a resolution to get treatment. Addiction treatment has all the potential in the world to change your life for the better. Whether your New Year’s resolutions include getting in shape, eating better or starting a new hobby, getting the addiction treatment you need will increase the chances of achieving your goals. 

Addiction Recovery Can Help Your Finances 

Perhaps one of the most significant differences freedom from addiction can make would be financial. Regardless of what your substance of choice is, you’re practically guaranteed to be spending way too much to sustain the habit. Imagine how much better off your finances would be if you could eliminate that substance from your budget.

This is exactly why Landmark Recovery provides everyone with our patented (not really) Addiction Cost Calculator. It’s the most in-your-face rebuttal to the myth that addiction treatment costs more than sustaining substance use disorders. If you’re honest with yourself about how much you consume, your monthly and annual expenditures will shock you.

Usually, people with any of a variety of substance use disorders can easily save $10,000 or more per year by doing away with their habits. Completing residential treatment at Landmark Recovery, many find that the trade-off financially beneficial if they stick to their recovery journeys thereafter. It should be noted that the statistical majority of those who see that success are those who enroll in outpatient treatment afterward, too. 

Other Benefits to Addiction Recovery

Not only do you stand to see financial gains year-over-year going forward, but your health is also likely to improve. Eliminating theTwo guys on a boat enjoying life because they're comfortable in their own skin, which comes from living a life free of addiction. substances to which people most commonly become addicted is the quickest way to avoid hospitalization. Alcohol use disorder represents a measurable burden on emergency rooms nationwide according to a 2018 study published in Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) prepared a guide in 2020 for law enforcement on how to administer Naloxone. Police are now doing the work of paramedics because of how often both are dispatched on overdose calls. They provided the guide then because, as a 2019 study in PLoS One indicated, the trend was so consistent that public health and safety bureaus opted to use 911 calls as a metric to target and deliver post-overdose interventions to opioid overdose patients.

You’ll also find it easier to relate to people who live like they have nothing to hide. These are people who interact with their neighbors and their kids’ teachers a lot. Sometimes, they even seem to be super friendly with police officers. These are also the people who are described as being “big on family.” Far fewer bridges have been burned around them.

High on Life

When you’re empowered to put down the substance that’s holding you back, you’re gaining a lot more than what you’re leaving behind. If you think you’re ready to at least consider leaving the mess behind, go to Landmark Recovery online or call our addiction specialists at 888.448.0302. Landmark can provide transportation to our nearest facility and house you while you’re in the program.

“There are so many different varying degrees of mess that we leave behind us.” That’s a perspective on recovery from Nate Burris, 48. “Today, my wife and I are doing better than we’ve ever done using the communication and self-reflection skills I learned. She also has ten months of sobriety, now, too.”

Turning Over a New Leaf

The big picture is that addiction is a trap. Since it’s a neurological trap, it psychosomatically convinces you that you’re somehow better off not fighting it. Don’t believe the hype. Talk to our recovery specialists at 888.448.0302 or go to Landmark Recovery online. We’ll worry about what payment arrangement is needed after you’ve gotten treatment. Our first priority is getting you on the road to recovery.

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We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.

About the Author

Landmark Recovery

Landmark Recovery

Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all. Through our integrated treatment programs, we've helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms. We're on a mission to save one million lives over the next century. We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help.