Although rates of alcohol use disorder are declining across the state, there’s still a high demand for alcohol rehab in Indiana. In the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2018, half of the children aged 12 had consumed alcohol over the past month, 63.3% of college students said they drank alcohol regularly, and 59% of adults aged between 18 and 25 said they drank alcohol.
Binge drinking in young adults is becoming a serious problem. According to the Indiana College Substance Use Survey, 49% of college students (18-21) reported consuming alcohol over the previous month, and 33% of Indiana college students stated they had engaged in binge drinking over the previous two weeks.
The Affordable Care Act has driven a surge in treatment centers and support for people with substance use disorder. So, if you’re struggling, there is help available.
Alcoholism is a chronic progressive disease meaning it gradually worsens over time. Alcohol use disorder can be treated, though. While it’s possible to stop an alcohol addiction alone, seeking the relevant support can significantly increase the chances of successful long-term recovery.
Is My Alcohol Addiction Bad Enough For Rehab?
When you’re in the vortex of alcohol use disorder, it can be tough to see your problem objectively. Also if your friends are drinkers, they may think you don’t have a problem. Perhaps you binge drink occasionally but stay in recovery at other times. Is this problematic?
If you are drinking heavily on a regular basis, you might not think you have a problem now, but a more serious drinking problem could easily creep up on you. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Does your drinking often spiral out of control?
- Do you experience alcohol cravings when you’re not drinking?
- Do you want to quit but find that you can’t manage to stop drinking?
- Is alcohol use causing problems in your relationship?
- Is the way you drink affecting your work?
If you answer yes to these questions, it could be time to seek help for your drinking behavior before it becomes a more pressing concern.
Sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal. Abruptly stopping alcohol after prolonged episodes of drinking can send your body into shock and could even be fatal. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can have severe side effects including:
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Tremors (called delirium tremors)
To withdraw safely from alcohol, entering an alcohol rehab facility can make the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal more bearable.
What Does Medication-Assisted Treatment Do?
Inpatient alcohol rehab is the most intensive form of detox program available. This is the best route for those who need protection from the stress and triggers that lead to drinking. Inpatient alcohol rehab separates the patient from the environment that causes them to drink. The patient also receives medication and psychological support to help with withdrawal symptoms.
Medication-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder typically provides a five-day detox program followed by thirty days of residential treatment. The treatments are available free of charge to US citizens who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
Residential treatment and recovery housing programs are less intensive detox options. Simply being in a supportive environment away from triggers might be enough to help you successfully withdraw from alcohol.
Medical care is less intense with these programs and patients are monitored less strictly. Residential programs tend to be structured to keep patients engaged. You can find more information on this type of program at the Indiana Affiliation of Recovery Residences website. The site provides information on all the alcohol rehab programs available in Indianapolis and Indiana.
Indiana’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction certifies medication-assisted treatment providers which assures a given standard in the treatment of alcohol abuse disorder.
These providers administer high-quality detox and residential rehabilitation centers that are federally certified. Treatment includes medication, counseling, and cognitive behavior therapy.
Medications Approved For Alcohol Use Disorder
There are three medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of alcohol abuse disorder:
- Acamprosate
- Disulfiram
- Naltrexone
Acamprosate is sold under the brand name Campral. It works on the neurotransmitters and reduces withdrawal symptoms. Acamprosate is more effective in people who have already detoxed and are maintaining abstinence. The drug can bring about some side effects like nausea, vomiting, and stomach-ache.
Disulfiram works by heightening sensitivity to alcohol. If taken with alcohol, it creates an adverse reaction. When you drink while taking disulfiram, it induces a variable heart rate, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The effects are so unpleasant that the drinker stops.
This medication is effective in reducing cravings and proven to reduce heavy drinking which helps you remain abstinent.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach developed to manage alcohol addiction.CBT involves learning to navigate emotions in situations that trigger drinking episodes.
CBT encourages you to analyze why you turn to drink so you can develop strategies to cope instead of drinking when emotions run high. If you attend rehab, you will learn tools to manage daily stresses by reducing negative thought patterns.
Twelve-Step Programs
Twelve-step programs are a type of evidence-based group therapy that has helped millions to stay abstinent from alcohol after recovering from alcohol. Many people in recovery from alcohol use disorder benefit greatly from this type of support.
The twelve-step program centers on acceptance and surrendering to a higher power. While many have found this program hugely successful, others are put off by the spiritual aspect. As a result, twelve-step programs without spiritual content have since been developed.
To be referred to an alcohol rehab center, you can start the process by talking to the Indiana Addiction Hotline.
What To Do Next
Here at Landmark Recovery, we specialize in helping people just like you through various types of alcohol rehab. Whether you need residential treatment or an intensive outpatient program, call us today at 888-448-0302. One of our friendly team will walk you through what you need to do next.

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