When it comes to addiction recovery, relapses are commonplace, luckily there are local treatment centers like Indiana rehab that are in place to help patients to continue with their treatment plan.
Addiction is a complex issue and needs to be addressed properly in order to give patients the best chance at recovery.
What Is A Relapse?
Relapse is a common problem that occurs during drug or alcohol recovery. Essentially a relapse happens when someone who was previously using drugs or alcohol and achieved sobriety uses again.
It is important to understand that addiction is a disease and is something that needs to be treated professionally. Like other chronic illnesses and diseases, relapse is a reality and happens. We need to ensure that when relapse happens, patients aren’t cast away, this is one of the most important times to help them.
Preventing Relapse
There are certain things that you can do to help reduce your chance of relapse. For example, one of the most important things that you can do to improve your situation is to understand yourself and understand your specific triggers.
1. You can help identify these things by paying attention to certain things and situations that can make you feel like using or by going through certain therapy sessions to help you better understand what your specific triggers are.
2. Be with sober people. Another thing that you can do to reduce relapse potential is to surround yourself with people who don’t use. Unfortunately, if you are around people who use substances you will likely be around these substances which can be triggering for you.
3. Understand your urges. It is important to know that when you are feeling a craving or urge, it will pass. Urges to use will be incredibly intense but will subside after a short period of time, generally about 15 to 30 minutes.
4. Throw yourself in activities. One of the best things that you can do to make your situation better is to be involved in hobbies and activities that you enjoy.
Despite the efforts and changes that you can make in your life to prevent relapses, it is something that still happens. Because of this, it is important to know what to do next and how you can help yourself or your loved one if there is a relapse.
What To Do After Relapse?
When a relapse happens it is important to own up to your mistakes. If you try to hide it, it can make the situation worse.
Recovery is a complex and challenging issue and relapse is common. While it is not something that should be encouraged, people shouldn’t be ostracized when they relapse.
However, when this happens you may not know exactly what to do or what the next steps are.
When you relapse, it is important that you reach out and ask for help or support as soon as possible. If you have a sponsor or therapist that you speak with it is best to call them immediately and get the help that you need.
For some, this may require going through the treatment process again, for others this means continuing with outpatient. Overall, if someone relapses, it may be a sign that treatment needs to change in some way. Drug and alcohol recovery is not a one-size-fits-all approach and something that worked for one person will not work for everyone. We need to be aware of this adjust when necessary.
How Indiana Rehab Can Help
There may be some apprehensions at first about going to a treatment center to help you or a loved one conquer addiction, however, by learning more about the process you may feel more comfortable about the situation.
At the start of treatment, patients will go through an evaluation process to determine the best path forward and develop a patient’s individualized care program.
Following this, some patients will go through a detox program to help them safely overcome the withdrawal symptoms that are common during early sobriety.
After this, patients go through a number of different treatment programs including cognitive behavioral therapy programs to help patients learn about addiction and develop strategies to help them overcome whatever problems that they might be dealing with.
At the end of their initial treatment program in inpatient, patients will likely have a discharge plan in place to help them when they leave the facility, this will likely be an outpatient facility and groups that they can meet with to continue treatment.
Overall, treatment can be extremely helpful for people who are dealing with this disease. It needs to be understood that addiction is a disease and that you will need professional help in order to have the best chance to overcome this disease.
What’s Next?
If you are looking for a treatment center that can help you, Landmark Recovery is one facility that can give you the best chance to overcome and conquer addiction. At Landmark, we will provide you or your loved one with the tools and knowledge needed to kick the addiction and help you learn strategies to avoid relapse. Landmark’s goal is to help one million families over the next 100 years and we are dedicated to making this goal a reality.
If you are interested in learning more about Landmark and how our Indiana rehab may be able to help you or your loved one, please reach out to our admissions team today.
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