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What is Chlordiazepoxide? A Guide to Librium

By Will Long on August 2nd, 2023

Chlordiazepoxide, or Librium, is the first-ever discovered benzodiazepine and represents a significant advancement in psychiatric medication. However, like many potent…

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Can You Stop Xanax Cold Turkey?

By Will Long on July 20th, 2023

No, you cannot safely stop taking Xanax cold turkey. At Landmark Recovery, our primary concern is ensuring the safety and…

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Can Benzo Withdrawal Kill You?

By Will Long on July 10th, 2023

Can benzo withdrawal kill you? It’s a pressing question that demands attention as the misuse and addiction to benzodiazepines, or…

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Does Vivitrol Help with Cravings?

By Will Long on July 5th, 2023

Can Vivitrol help with cravings? Yes! Developers created the drug as a medication to minimize the risk of relapse and…

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