Welcome to This Week in Recovery, a weekly recap of the 5 biggest stories and developments in the recovery industry.
Top Execs At Opioid Company Found Guilty Of Racketeering – NY Times
A federal jury found top executives at Insys Therapeutics, a company that sold fentanyl-based painkillers, guilty of racketeering charges in a criminal prosecution case. The jury deliberated for 15 days before issuing their guilty verdict against the company’s founder, John Kapoor and four other ranking executives, finding that they conspired to fuel sales by bribing doctors and misleading insurers.
The Often Overlooked Meth Epidemic – Kaiser Health News
While opioids generally receive a majority of media attention, other substances, such as methamphetamine still lead to thousands of American deaths each year. In fact, from 2011 to 2017, overdose deaths involving meth have more than quadrupled. Similarly, admissions to treatment facilities for meth are up 17 percent.
Federal Court Rules Jail Must Give Inmates Addiction Treatment – NPR
This week, a federal appeals court ruled that inmates who suffer from substance abuse problems such as opioid addiction have the right to treatment. Attorneys with the ACLU said that the new ruling will help to combat social barriers preventing incarcerated people from receiving the treatment they need.
Elizabeth Warren’s Plan To Fight The Opioid Epidemic – Vox
On Wednesday (5/8), Senator and Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren rolled out an ambitious federal proposal to fight the opioid epidemic. The proposal would allocate $100 billion over 10 years to fight the crisis that killed tens of thousands of American last year.
Denver Becomes First City To Decriminalize Hallucinogenic Mushrooms – CNN
This week, Denver approved a city ordinance to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms by less than 2000 votes, according to preliminary results. The results will not become official until May 16 and the city is set to establish a “policy review panel to assess and report on the effects of the ordinance” according to the initiative.
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How To Stop Drinking
Alcoholism is a problem that is commonly overlooked as opioids get much of the media attention when it comes to substance abuse. However, learning more about the severity of your drinking problem and the steps you can take to overcome your issue can help you live a longer, healthier life. Read more about it in this week’s featured post.
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