What is M30?
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has taken note and is paying a close attention when it comes to this particularly deadly drug. What is M30? Counterfeit M30 pills have effectively flooded the market as easy-to-sell oxycodone substitutes. Many of these pills don’t contain just oxycodone, they’re actually lethal fentanyl pills.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, lethal amounts of fentanyl began flooding the black markets and showing up in unexpected places. In 2021, the DEA seized enough fentanyl to give every American a lethal dose. Almost every drug in the United States has become a potential target for illicit manufacturers and dealers that choose to lace their product with the cheap synthetic opioids that keeps people coming back. When you buy drugs on the street you’re taking a huge risk.
Oxycodone and other similar substances are still extremely popular drugs for recreational opioid users. If you find yourself struggling with opioid addiction, give Landmark Recovery a call at 888-448-0302 today. We have a dedicated, qualified staff that’s ready to successfully treat anyone that walks through our doors for an opioid use disorder.
How is M30 made?
Counterfeit M30 pills are usually made with a pill press using a mix of opioid drugs in the homes of manufacturers. Much like the “trap houses” of popular culture, there exist buildings and homes that are used for manufacturing drugs that contain opioid mixtures.
Much of the fentanyl contained in these opioid pills originates in China, where highly unregulated labs create the precursors and final products needed to make fentanyl or the pills. Chinese labs will either ship directly to the US or send precursors/powder to Canada or Mexico for manufacturing of the pills. Illegal pill presses in the US are often purchased from sketchy-looking Chinese auction websites and imported as “candy presses” or other mislabeling to evade US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) import seizures.

Illegal M30 pill press found on a Chinese website for sale as “candy press”
Counterfeit opioid pills are then sold on the street as real Oxycontin pills to unsuspecting buyers. Depending on how much fentanyl made it into the batch from which the pill came, they could be getting a fatal dose of breath-stopping synthetic opioids or nothing but harmless byproduct.
How can I spot the counterfeit M30 pills?
The counterfeit pills are usually pressed as very light blue replicas of Oxycontin 30mg pills. As close to the originals as possible, they feature a large “M” on one side and, on the reverse, a “30” above a line that runs across the diameter of the pill. They’re virtually indistinguishable from the original pill and usually sold in small batches that don’t give away how much a dealer might possess (high volume implies counterfeit origin). It’s practically impossible to spot it with the eyes, requiring testing materials to determine chemical content.
Learn More About Addiction Treatment
To learn more about how Landmark Recovery can help you conquer an opioid use disorder, give us a call at 888-448-0302. We’re ready to provide a personalized treatment plan to make sure your outcomes are as positive as possible. It’s time to unlock your potential.

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