A new study published this week found that nicotine-free e-cigarettes and vaping can temporarily impact blood flow the way blood vessels function.
Researchers are still unsure what chemical might be responsible for the changes that were observed.
“After a few minutes, everything normalizes. One could say, big deal, nothing happens,” said Felix W. Wehrli, professor of radiologic science and biophysics at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of the study.
Wehrli said that if someone vapes regularly, things may not go back to normal and the changes could end up being permanent.
The study measured the changes of 31 people who had never vaped or smoked and examined the effects that e-cigarettes had on them. They found that body processes began to change and the body began the initial steps in the development of cardiovascular disease.
This is one of many studies that has looked into the harmful effects that e-cigarettes and vaping can cause.
In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, dozens of people have reported coming down with serious lung illnesses that may be linked to e-cigarette use.
While many believe e-cigarettes to be harmless, or at least less harmful than traditional cigarettes, the truth is that we don’t know enough about them to make a complete conclusion about them at the moment. More studies need to be done and more evidence needs to be gathered on the effects that e-cigarettes can have.
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