Drug overdoses and deaths have become more and more common in recent years across the United States, as the opioid crisis rages on, local treatment centers in states like Indiana such as a Carmel rehab, can help local patients with whatever substance abuse problems that they are dealing with.
There are many drug and alcohol treatment facilities around the country, and finding the right one can be hard, luckily, there are a few things that you should be aware of and that you should look for when finding the best rehab facility.
The opioid crisis and larger overarching drug epidemic that is happening has been detrimental to the country and has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Some states have been hit especially hard by these problems. Indiana is one such state.
Indiana has seen large increases in drug overdose deaths in recent years. While the situation does seem to be slightly improving, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of prevention and treatment access.
Let’s take a look at how the drug epidemic has impacted Indiana and the Hoosier population.
Indiana Drug Overdoses
Looking at government data for Indiana paints a grim picture for the state.
Indiana has consistently placed in the top half of U.S. states when it comes to drug overdose rate. 2017 was no different.
In 2017 alone there were over 1850 drug overdose deaths, quite a big increase from 1518 drug deaths just a year before. In fact, the 18 percent increase makes it the third-highest drug overdose rate increase in the nation behind New Jersey and Nebraska, according to the Indiana State Department of Health.
Moreover, Indiana had the 14th highest drug overdose rate in the United States in 2017.
Overall, drug overdose deaths have been on the rise in the state of Indiana for nearly two decades, and while the 2018 data is still preliminary, it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down that much.
According to the Indiana State Department of Health, about five Hoosiers die every day from drug overdoses. It should be noted that the primary driver of these overdoses are primarily driven by opioids.
In fact, opioids were present in nearly two-thirds of drug overdoses. The opioid overdose
Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis is a serious problem in the United States. Over the past two decades, the opioid crisis has lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
And the problem has only gotten worse in recent years, especially with the rise of fentanyl. Indiana is no exception to the opioid crisis. Hoosiers have seen the destruction that prescription pills and heroin can have on their community.
Fentanyl especially has been a problem in the state, particularly in recent years.
For example, in 2013, there were only 15 law enforcement cases that involved fentanyl. In 2018, that number spiked to 682. That’s a rise of almost 4500%. This rise may seem dramatic and alarming and it is. However, it is also consistent with the national trend.
Along with illicit synthetic opioids like fentanyl, prescription medications that are abused and misused are also a worry. Historically, the state of Indiana has had much higher opioid prescription rates compared to the national average. And while the prescription rate has lowered in recent years, it is still much higher than the national average.
Naloxone, along with Carmel rehab, is one way to reduce the number of these overdoses.
Drug overdoses are obviously a big problem in the state and across the country. While drug use prevention and treatment are strategies to reduce drug addiction and, in turn, overdoses, there will always be people who use drugs and overdose. So, how can we help them?
Naloxone may be the answer.
Naloxone, sometimes more known by its brand name Narcan, is a medication that is used to reverse an opioid overdose. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that works by binding to opioid receptors and reversing and blocking the effects of other opioids.
Using naloxone will quickly restore a person to normal respiration if they have respiratory depression or have stopped breathing as a result of an overdose.
Naloxone can be administered in a number of ways including injection or nasal spray. People who are given naloxone should be observed constantly until emergency care services arrive and for two hours after the last dose of the medication.
It should be noted that naloxone only works with opioids such as prescription medications and heroin.
Now, you may be wondering how accessible is Naloxone? Is it a viable mainstream option?
This is a question that is being posited throughout the country at the moment. But, the consensus is that naloxone can provide a huge benefit to those who are suffering from addiction. If naloxone is prioritized, it can help save thousands of lives across the country.
Indiana specifically has made steps to make naloxone more widely available to to put it in the hands of first responders.
According to the state department of health, Indiana has used state and federal funds to provide naloxone kits to local health departments.
The Indiana State Department of Health targeted nearly 50 rural counties across the state that represent almost a quarter of the population. Since this began, 144 first responder agencies have been awarded almost 5,200 naloxone kits with more to be given out in the future.
Overall, naloxone can save thousands of lives, but only if it is used properly and available for use. Along with naloxone, there are many other options available to help people who are struggling with substance abuse issues.
For example, rehabilitation services is one tool that people can use to help conquer an addiction or substance abuse problem.
Carmel Rehab
Rehab can help patients overcome substance use disorder
Along with naloxone, treatment is needed to help people who are already affected by addiction. Unfortunately, treatment is not something that many people actively seek out. In fact, there is a large treatment gap for people who need it.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2013, an estimated 22.7 million Americans needed treatment for a problem related to drugs or alcohol, but only about 2.5 million received treatment at a facility.
This is obviously a major problem. There are millions of Americans who need treatment, however, only about ten percent of them are getting the support and help that they need.
How can this be remedied?
Well, one thing that can be done is to ensure that those who are looking for a rehab or treatment facility know exactly what they’re looking for.
What To Look For
If you have considered looking into rehab in the past, you may have stopped as you aren’t exactly sure what to look for and how to find the right treatment center. Luckily, there are a few tell-tale signs of a good facility that can help.
One of the most important things that you should look for is a facility that believes in and utilizes evidence-based treatment, this likely means the use of psychotherapy and administration of medication-assisted treatment.
One of the most effective forms of therapy used during drug and alcohol recovery is cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of counseling in which the patient and clinician work together to identify triggers that may cause the patient to use or feel urges or cravings to use. After discovering these triggers, the clinician will work to rewire the patient’s thought process to no longer feel the urges associated with this stimuli.
This is one of the many forms of psychotherapy and counseling that can be used during treatment to help patients overcome their respective addictions.
Meanwhile, the administration of medication-assisted treatment can also be used by Indiana recovery centers to help patients successfully overcome the withdrawal symptoms that are present in patients in the early stages of recovery. Whether it is MAT options like Vivitrol or suboxone, these can help patients overcome the harmful, and sometimes life-threatening symptoms associated with early sobriety.
Along with evidence-based treatment, there are a number of other treatment features that you should keep an eye out for. For example, it is not recommended that you go to a facility that has boasts a guaranteed treatment method. There is no silver bullet for addiction. Every patient is different and needs to be treated as such. That’s why it is best to find a recovery facility that offers an individualized treatment plan.
These are just a few things that you should look for and prioritize when you are searching for a recovery facility. You should also be prepared for other aspects of treatment.
Let’s take a look at what else happens and is common during drug and alcohol treatment.
What Happens During Treatment?
When it comes to Carmel rehab, many may not know what to expect.
Going to or helping your loved one go to a drug or alcohol rehab facility can be a little nerve-racking as you may not know exactly what will happen during this type of treatment. However, the more you learn about drug and alcohol treatment, the more likely it is that you will see the clear benefits that this can have and how treatment can successfully save a life.
Generally, treatment is broken down into three sections: detoxification, inpatient, and outpatient.
During detox, patients will go through the first steps of their treatment process. Medical detox is incredibly important due to the fact that it can help patients successfully overcome withdrawal symptoms that they may be exposed to. Detox also allows patients to deal with the withdrawal symptoms in a safe, medically supervised environment, allowing them to properly prepare for the next step of treatment: inpatient.
Inpatient, or residential treatment, is what comes to mind when people picture “rehab”. It is a situation in which patients remain at a treatment facility for an extended duration while they take part in different forms of treatment including group counseling and individual therapy. During this part of treatment, clinicians will develop an individualized treatment program and work with counselors and therapists to develop strategies to overcome their respective substance abuse problems. Following inpatient treatment, patients will likely be provided with a discharge plan to help them after the first steps of treatment.
These discharge plans will likely include an outpatient program in which the patient will continue to be exposed to treatment methods such as psychotherapy and medication assisted treatment administration. Overall, the point of these outpatient programs is to help patients continue their treatment and stay committed to sobriety. It also allows the patient to begin to adjust to independent living.
Drug and alcohol treatment may seem strange and frightening at first, however, the more you learn about recovery, the easier it is to understand that recovery centers in your state are there to help and are dedicated to saving lives.
If you are curious about local treatment centers or if you have searched for “rehab near me” you are looking for support close by that can help. If you are looking for treatment in Indiana, Landmark Recovery is one drug and alcohol rehab that can help.
Next Steps
Landmark Recovery is a drug and alcohol treatment center that is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of service and care to help them learn how to overcome substance abuse and stay sober in the long term. Landmark has licensed staff in place to set our patients up for success through our individualized treatment and care programs. This includes both psychotherapy and administration of medication-assisted treatment. Landmark recognized the problem that Hoosiers were suffering from and is here to be a part of the solution in Indiana.
Landmark’s Carmel rehab is state-of-the-art drug and alcohol treatment facility that can provide our patients with the evidence-based care programs that they need for long-term sobriety. If you are curious what Landmark can do for you or for your loved one, please visit our website and reach out to our admissions team today.

Choose Recovery Over Addiction
We're here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.