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Landmark Recovery of Louisville: Carrying Out Our Mission

by Will Long

September 19, 2023
Ohio River in Louisville Kentucky

Unveiling Landmark Recovery’s Mission to Save a Million Lives

September serves as a significant marker for those journeying through recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, and it’s a time to bring attention to this often misunderstood issue. Brian Shlonsky of WAVE’s show Listens Live sat down with Michelle Dubey, the Vice President of Clinical Quality at Landmark Recovery, to discuss National Recovery Month and Landmark Recovery’s impactful work.

Who is Landmark Recovery?

“Landmark Recovery of Louisville is a substance use treatment facility that’s local to the community,” Dubey described. “It’s actually where we started about seven years ago.”

From detoxification to outpatient programs, Landmark Recovery of Louisville has been serving the Kentucky community through its two locations. The facility also extends long-term support through its alumni program.

Saving a Million Lives in Louisville

During the conversation, Dubey revealed Landmark’s audacious mission.

“We are working on having an impact and saving a million lives in 100 years,” Dubey said.

This enormous endeavor is not just about individuals but extends to their families, friends, and communities. According to Dubey, the impact of simple community outreach is huge. So far, Landmark Recovery has saved 20,000 lives and remains committed to its larger mission.

Our Alumni Program: A Lifelong Support Network

Michelle Dubey emphasized the importance of Landmark’s alumni program after rehab is finished.

“We want to set them up to have support for the rest of their lives,” Dubey said.

Graduates of the Landmark Recovery programs are connected to alumni coordinators who offer long-term support and even coordinate community events.

Stigma and Barriers to Treatment

Dubey was candid about the impact of stigma on treatment, noting that it’s a “pretty big barrier” for those seeking help. Despite the efforts of Landmark Recovery of Louisville, stigma remains a pressing issue in Kentucky, but the company is committed to breaking down these walls.

“We often have family members making that first contact,” Dubey said, signifying the importance of community support.

Landmark Recovery of Louisville

Landmark Recovery of Louisville

You’re Not Alone: How to Take the Next Steps

“You’re not alone, and you don’t have to go through this alone,” Dubey reassured viewers. Landmark Recovery is available around the clock to provide necessary resources and support.

One of the ways Dubey said that viewers can become educated on the topic of prevention is through learning overdose reversal.

“Overdose is 100% preventable and reversible,” Dubey said. She advocates for carrying Narcan and understanding how to use it as a proactive measure.

Act Now for a Healthier Tomorrow

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, you don’t have to face it alone. Take the first step towards recovery today. Visit Landmark Recovery’s website or call us at 888-448-0302 to begin your journey toward a healthier future.

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About the Author

Will Long

Will Long

A graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, Long has been a writer for Landmark Recovery since 2021. He specializes in research and writing about substance abuse from a scientific and social perspective. Unearthing information from underexplored, far-flung corners of the Internet, Long’s passion is finding emerging trends in substance use and treatment that the public should know about.